School Age Daycare Center Buffalo, NY
School Age [5 to 10 years old]
Children ages 5 to 10 years old may attend after school (drop off at the Centers by school bus transportation), on half days of school, on full days during school closings and/or school holidays, and during the summer.
The After-School program will be a time for children to unwind, do homework, release energy, develop their own interests and socialize with friends. The children will be engaged in daily-supervised indoor and outdoor (weather permitting) play. An area for rest or study (if desired) is also available to the children. Child initiated, group initiated and teacher initiated activities will take place. The children will also have access to a computer, art materials, books and age appropriate games and toys. There will be opportunities for the children to participate in group games or to work or play alone.
The Summer Program for school agers (completion of Kindergarten is mandatory) incorporates hands-on activities for younger and older children in a variety of categories such as arts and crafts, science and cooking, dance, drama and music, communication and fitness. Program themes and activities vary from year-to-year to ensure fun experiences for both new enrollees and returning “young campers”. There are at least four (4) field trips during the summer season for our school agers. These may include the Zoo, Science Museum, Lockport Caves, and Old Fort Niagara, roller-skating and bowling.